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Star Wars Lightsaber - Obi-Wan Kenobi Replica - EP3 - NeoPixel

Star Wars Lightsaber - Obi-Wan Kenobi Replica - EP3 - NeoPixel
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Product code: JL 1035

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 £ 360.00
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 € 432.00
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 $ 460.80

Star Wars Lightsaber - Obi-Wan Kenobi - EP3 - Neopixel

Jedi-Robe present a beautifully built Obi-Wan Kenobi Replica Lightsaber.

The hilt features a polished chrome emitter and pommel with a delicate but sturdy copper and brass finish at the neck of the lightsaber.

It also features a covertec wheel for easy attachment to your jedi belt when paired with a covertec clip.

This lightsaber is available in a pixel technology blade which offers the highest of quality for lighting, sound and effects.

A truly mesmerising sight when paired with your free custom acrylic stand.

Lightsaber Features

- Removable Blade

- Smooth Swing

- Blaster Block

- Flash on Clash

- Multiple Character Sounds

- Multiple Blade Effects

What You'll Recieve

- Replica Lightsaber

- Acrylic Lightsaber Stand

- Attachable Blade

- Lightsaber Charger

- Instruction Manual

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