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Star Wars AT-AT Driver Boots

Star Wars AT-AT Driver Boots
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Product code: JR 1649

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 £ 99.99
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 € 119.99
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 $ 127.99

Star Wars AT-AT Driver Boots

The right boots can be hard to find for your costume, so we have the perfect pair and all our knee-high boots have extra wide calfs.

Available in five sizes S, M, L, XL these are boots are fantastic quality and great value.

Made from a tough copy leatherette material, knee high and zipped with full padding throughout. The sole is made from a thick durable non-slip rubber.

What gives these boots the Star Wars look is the foot area - snug on the inside and high and broad on the outside - perfect.

Perfect for the following costumes - Anakin Jedi, Obi Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knights, Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu, Han Solo, Imperial Officer and many more....

Sizes UK EU US
Small  7 - 8.5  40 - 41 8 - 9
Medium  9 - 10.5  42 - 44 10 - 11
Large  11 - 12.5  44 - 45 12 - 13
XL  13  46 - 47 14


Also available in Brown.


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