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Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Black Robe ONLY

Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Black Robe ONLY
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Product code: JR 1426

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Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Sith Robe ONLY

We are proud to present to you the finest Star Wars Sith Robe available on the Internet....

A unique and original custom-made replica Anakin Skywalker Sith Robe.
This Anakin Skywalker Sith Robe has been created with an excellent quality heavyweight polycotton weave which has a thick feeling to it and hangs beautifully.
Our Anakin Sith Robes are available in one size, can be washed and ironed at home and make a fantastic addition to your wardrobe.
The Robe measures 6' (183cm) from the crown of the hood to the hem, approximately 5' (152cm) from shoulder to hem and is perfect for customers between 5'7" (170cm) and 6'1" (185cm) in height.
Please note the tunic, belt and boots are not included.

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Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Dark Brown Robe ONLY
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