- Reviews and Customer Feedback
Stormtrooper Armour Review from Daniel Shearer
What made my day the most is seeing the children come up to me wanting to take pictures and talk. Worth every penny!
Shop Review from Matthew
So we arrive at Jedi Robe a star wars shop on the outskirts of West London, where we were greeted by three young enthusiastic staff who obviously love star wars.
Mace Windu Costume Review from Martin
Today arrived, Thank you. You have the best costumes/cosplays. Cheers, Martin
Imperial Officer Review from Stephen
I got my order yesterday thanks to you and all the team, from Stephen Carrington
Stormtrooper Armour Review from Ignacio
You are the spark and magic of the armour you make and we are the bearers of your work
Obi-Wan Kenobi Boots Review from Mario
I am very satisfied with the boots I recieved today, the size is perfect, and the boots themselves are very nice
Kylo Ren Costume Review from Benjamin
It was just a message so that you have the notice of a buyer happy to have dealed with you, here is my costume of Kylo Ren coming from your website, it is magnificent,
Shadowtrooper Armour Review from Rolf
Rolf modified the armour and helmet himself so that it looks like the armour from Battlefront.
Stormtrooper Armour Review from Juan
Thank you very much Juan Carlos from Gran Canary Island
Kylo Ren Costume Review from Jose
Amazin! I love it! Thank you so much! I'll buy here again in a future.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Tunic and Robe Review from Peter
Jedi-Robe is very pleased to hear that Obi Wan 'Peter' Kenobi had a great time with his costume.
Stormtrooper Armour and Shop Review from Steve
The costume is superb and the service provided by you all at Jedi Robe in getting everything ready is hugely appreciated
Kylo Ren Helmet Modification from Steve
Steve used our Stormtrooper One-Piece Lens to complete his Kylo Ren costume
Imperial Officer Review from Bella
We think you look absolutely great! And congratulations for getting cleared to join JokersSquad.
Costume Review from Matt
Not only has it arrived in time for the EB Games Expo in Sydney, but, it is more than I thought it would be!